
It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35

Please extend a gift so that this sacred work may continue. If you would like to support a specific area of Rays of Light Ministry you can choose a project/need that best fits your particular interest. All are important, but if one or more interests you, feel free to donate to this area(s).

Specific Needs

Home Appliance: Juicing involves grinding, squeezing, or pressing fresh fruit and/or vegetables for their juice. It’s a modern term for a long-standing practice of pressing harvested fruits for quick access to their nutrients. By drinking juice, our body can absorb nutrients quickly, without having to digest fibers and other components in whole foods. Juicing also allows us to get a broader intake of vitamins and minerals β€” more so than we may be getting in our regular diet.  

We want the very best for our heath guests, therefore, we are in need of a two-stage masticating juicer. This type of juicer releases enzymes for highest quality juice. Then we would transfer the pulp into the hydraulic press which exerts 5400 lbs of force, to get every vital drop of exceptionally fresh and silky-smooth juice. Juice made this way could be stored for up to 72 hours. By donating towards home appliance , it will aid someone in the regaining of their heath. 

Treatment Room: Hello friends and family. We pray you're doing well. As you know Rays of Light is a ministry that promotes a Holistic approach to healing and restoration. In our efforts to better serve our guests we need to acquire an additional treatment space. We are looking to purchase a small storage unit as soon as possible for this purpose and are therefore soliciting your help. The cost is $6000.


Services Donation: 
